This one is fun. they ask for a $180 payment so they can give you your $10 million. and if you believe that, I have some great beach property outside Baghdad to sell you.
Scam e-mail Below:
US Delegates
New York - USA
Attention:Eric Hill .
Re: Payment Instructions.
My name is George Morgan, one of the US delegates to the Nigerian
Financial Intelligence Unit (NFIU) presently in New York disbursing
long outstanding over due funds to beneficiaries. A check of
US$10,000,000.00 has been issued in your name as fund owe you for
contract executed long time ago. We have been mandated to payoff
every necessary fund due to beneficiaries as quickly as possible.
A scan copy of the check would be sent to you for your perusal
before the dispatched to your address would be effected. Please note
that you will be responsible for the cost of insurance, stamp duty
and courier of the check to you. The official charge is US$180 and
this is made payable to our fiduciary agent in Canada. Upon payment,
check would be dispatched to you same day. For delivery of the check
to you, please submit the below information;
1. Your full names:
2. Home/Office address: (where you wish to receive the check)
3. cell Phone No:
Upon the receipt of the information, I shall direct you on how to
make payment of the US$180 to our fiduciary agent in Canada.
Please attend to this letter with utmost urgency.
George Morgan.
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